Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't hate, appreciate

Hate changes as you grow up. When your a child you hate people that call you stupid or trip you or something. But as you grow up you gain new reasons to hate someone for. When your an adult you could hate someone for stealing your car, hurting you or a loved one, identity theft. The feelings of hate seem to get worse as you get older. And as your older you have more advanced ways to deal with hate. You could either take revenge or shake it off and keep going with your life. But not many people can just shake it off and seek revenge. Some people also have no reason to hate, they just can't find anything better to do with their lives, or they have some sort of problems, or people have hated on them before. These people try to compensate by hating on other people. Just like a bully when you are a kid in elementary school. But it's a lot worse because they are usually a lot more powerful. A huge amount of hate comes from religion. There have been many wars fighting about religion. Hate is present in everything.

Like in the Holocaust in World War II, Hitler hated Jews. He could have hated the Jews because of a past bad experience with them or it could be he is just abusing his newly gained power. "Germany must either be a world power or there will be no Germany" - from his autobiography 'Mein Kampf'. This quote shows the power that he had and how he would abuse it. He thought they were imperfect and should be exterminated from the gene pool of Europe. Hitler hated many groups of people, he hated Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah's witnesses, people with disabilities, soviet prisoners of war, soviet civilians, gypsies, ethic poles, and other religious or political opponents. If you didn't believe what Hitler believed or looked the way Hitler wanted you to look he would have hated you.
In the United States today is probably African Americans or Mexicans. There is always racist jokes or comments floating around a filled room. Another group that is greatly discriminated against is homosexuals. Americans are always saying, "that's gay" when what they are trying to say is that's stupid. There will always be discrimination just like there always has been. Between animals the weakest one is always cast out. Even though discrimination comes in different forms it will always be present. Discrimination is a disease.


MelissaaNight. said...

I completely agree with your hate post because people greatly change the way they hate as they get older. good job!

Ian Swensson said...

Ajay Hernandez (Ricky McGibbins) said...

Your Absolutely right with your posting People do discriminate Mexicans and African Americans as well and there are racist jokes floating around. Even in our own school there are a lot of jokes and rude comments floating around the halls
Good Job!